Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hurrah! I am Writing Well Than Before | Some of My Older Post Proved It.
Today, when I went to one of my old blog where I usually don’t go at all, it amazed me. I realized, how poor my writing was. How often I made some useless, irrelevant sentences with some garbage type word on that blogs. Huh!
But now I can write something which is much developed than before. although, my writings is not fully correct but it’s not full of error. I am quite happy with my progressing. I know I will have to develop myself more and more. Still I am not being able to write a quality blog post and I am still learning how to write it perfectly. But, now it’s me is simply better than before. Its like- I was worst on writing; but now I am bad on it.
I am really grateful to Blogger Riya, Aminul Islam Sajib & Nadia for giving me some suggestions about “How to improve in English”.
I am grateful to some blogs too. I always follow some blogs like Copyblogger, Men With Pens, Daily Writing Tips. Each of these blogs is full of writing and blogging resources which are damn enough to make a moron guy (like me) to a brilliant blogger & writer.
Some months ago, writing 5 posts per day seemed to me “Incredible”. But now a day, I can easily write at best 5 post per day. I have 5 blogs in and some other blogs in
I try my best to make at least 5 post per day for my wordpress blogs where I am writing about different niches like Showbiz & Entertainment, Education Facts, Textile Processing Guides, Bangladesh Related Information, Computer-SEO & Technology.
But I write very few for my blogs. Hope, if I continue my learning, I will definitely be improved than what I am today. Then, it will be possible for me to write something everyday for every blog. And I am sure I will be able to do that. It’s proved me now.
I just need blessings of people like you. I need the blessings of Almighty Allah too.
But now I can write something which is much developed than before. although, my writings is not fully correct but it’s not full of error. I am quite happy with my progressing. I know I will have to develop myself more and more. Still I am not being able to write a quality blog post and I am still learning how to write it perfectly. But, now it’s me is simply better than before. Its like- I was worst on writing; but now I am bad on it.
I am really grateful to Blogger Riya, Aminul Islam Sajib & Nadia for giving me some suggestions about “How to improve in English”.
I am grateful to some blogs too. I always follow some blogs like Copyblogger, Men With Pens, Daily Writing Tips. Each of these blogs is full of writing and blogging resources which are damn enough to make a moron guy (like me) to a brilliant blogger & writer.
Some months ago, writing 5 posts per day seemed to me “Incredible”. But now a day, I can easily write at best 5 post per day. I have 5 blogs in and some other blogs in
I try my best to make at least 5 post per day for my wordpress blogs where I am writing about different niches like Showbiz & Entertainment, Education Facts, Textile Processing Guides, Bangladesh Related Information, Computer-SEO & Technology.
But I write very few for my blogs. Hope, if I continue my learning, I will definitely be improved than what I am today. Then, it will be possible for me to write something everyday for every blog. And I am sure I will be able to do that. It’s proved me now.
I just need blessings of people like you. I need the blessings of Almighty Allah too.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
May, 9 | International Mother Day | My Greetings to Mom
Today is International Mother Day. I would like to send my greetings to all of the Moms of all over the world. And……and…special greetings to my Mom too…….
Yes! I love my mom so much. To me, my mother is the best mother among all over the world.
I don’t know how to send greetings to Mom. I love my mom but I didn’t let my mom know that I love her so much. Though, today is Mother Day….after calling my mom at morning I couldn't say something special about the mother day. I just talked with her….it’s what???
There are 6 members in our family…..and all of the works of our family is done by my mom. From my very childhood I have been seeing that my Mom gets up early from the bed and go to do all of the works of our family. And it’s a nonstop service until the night reaches at 10 PM. It’s really terrific though my Mom never let us know she is tired and I see, she smiles all time. Actually she smiles all time because, we, the child used to be happy when we found a thing is already done and someone is smiling around us.
Till today, mom is doing her best to me and my family. Is it possible for me to return back all of the deeds that she did and what she is doing? I don’t think so…I don’t imagine that it’s possible to pay a single day that my Mom gifted me so far.
It’s my turn now. I would like to make my Mom happy forever. I don’t want to make you (Mom) depressed for something. I would like to give you whatever you want and whichever it may be.
I know, you have lots of hope and expectation from me. I know, you are dreaming “My child will be famous and I will be the proud mom”.
Yeah! Ma…….I know everything. Just bless me……..I am sure, for the sake of Almighty Allah…I will fulfill all of your dreams and will try my best to make your dream come true anyhow and at any cost.
At the end of this post I want to say something to my maa. I know, my mom will never read this post. But I would like to share it……. “All of the greetings and loves to you mom…….Be happy, keep smiling all time……and pray for me….bless me…….and you know, your child is something exceptional and he can do whatever he deserves”.
Yes! I love my mom so much. To me, my mother is the best mother among all over the world.
I don’t know how to send greetings to Mom. I love my mom but I didn’t let my mom know that I love her so much. Though, today is Mother Day….after calling my mom at morning I couldn't say something special about the mother day. I just talked with her….it’s what???
There are 6 members in our family…..and all of the works of our family is done by my mom. From my very childhood I have been seeing that my Mom gets up early from the bed and go to do all of the works of our family. And it’s a nonstop service until the night reaches at 10 PM. It’s really terrific though my Mom never let us know she is tired and I see, she smiles all time. Actually she smiles all time because, we, the child used to be happy when we found a thing is already done and someone is smiling around us.
Till today, mom is doing her best to me and my family. Is it possible for me to return back all of the deeds that she did and what she is doing? I don’t think so…I don’t imagine that it’s possible to pay a single day that my Mom gifted me so far.
It’s my turn now. I would like to make my Mom happy forever. I don’t want to make you (Mom) depressed for something. I would like to give you whatever you want and whichever it may be.
I know, you have lots of hope and expectation from me. I know, you are dreaming “My child will be famous and I will be the proud mom”.
Yeah! Ma…….I know everything. Just bless me……..I am sure, for the sake of Almighty Allah…I will fulfill all of your dreams and will try my best to make your dream come true anyhow and at any cost.
At the end of this post I want to say something to my maa. I know, my mom will never read this post. But I would like to share it……. “All of the greetings and loves to you mom…….Be happy, keep smiling all time……and pray for me….bless me…….and you know, your child is something exceptional and he can do whatever he deserves”.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Having Problem With A Girl | What To Do Now???
It’s me a boy who is affable but conservative on the view of Love. I have already passed more than 22 springs from my life but haven’t yet fallen in love.
Strange! Yeah! I had no wish to make the so called love relationship where peoples do loves in order to pass the leisure time. I had no wish to make love with the girl who loves me just for taking Fast Food rather than making any loving sense.

I always been searching a love which will be true and no fake will be exist on it. She may not be so much beautiful or stunningly smart but I need an inner beauty that the exact things I am looking for. I had the dreams but not the dreams which full of fairy tales. I dreamt a girl who will be simple; I dreamt a love which will be delightful, less-pained, and full of romance and aroma.
I have always been waiting the “DAY” I will fall in love. But today, oh! Sorry, last night I found something exceptional than my usual life. Someone proposed me and I am just blowing on it now.
Got it baby? Wait…..i will not conceal any bit of it.
Have a flashback and go before 2 years ago……….some days with little memories for me but some great memorable memories for someone that was unknown to me till last night.
Someone named umm….. um… (Sorry) one of my friends and me were live at a mess in Mohakhali. We were so much friendly and shared a lot of things and the days were really funny. Personally he knows me a “GOOD” type boy. Ok... Let the incident begins….
His home-district was in Tangail. One day, he went to his village and by the way, during making conversations with his family members about his mess life, he revealed something of me there. On there, someone, my friend’s younger sister, somehow, were impressed to hear something about me. I don’t know what the exact things were told. Ok…let the event be screwed…lol.
Anyway, the girl were stolen my numbers from his brother’s mobile. That was the inception. ……she often called me by using various numbers.
Firstly I couldn’t recognize herself but rather whenever I put pressure on her she was compelled to reveal the truth that who is she. Then I though I would be better to let the things be concealed because the thing I hear was horrific. I didn’t prepare to get a call from one of friend’s sister as I usually dislike it and friendship is a big matter to me.
I knew that if my friend knows it somehow, our friendship will be breached and I have to suffer a lot.
BTW, I didn’t tell it to anyone, even my friend too. But gradually the total matter is being complex day by day.
The complexity has shown the ultimate result last night that’s why I am blabbing here. “She proposed me”.
She did it before 4 months ago but I refused by thinking it is not possible as another friendship between her elder brother and me is involved here.
But yesterday? I refused her again but something is stuck still too. She is too much desperate now and already left taking rice and go bed at late night.
She is too much importunate now and is not letting me leave. She is crying and saying by phone “I have been loving you since 2 years but when I proposed you; you refuse. Shouldn’t I deserve your love?”
She says again “You people are avoiding me by saying the Distance, Family Matters, Friendship, but I am up all of your reasons. I love you….that is not a huge logic than your so called reasons?”
I replied “Ok let me be your best friend. I could be your best friend ever that you can’t imagine.”
She says “Oh! No! I don’t need any friend…..I need love. One thing, just one thing I want from you …Pls love me.”
I replied “Please stop your crying. I don’t put up with this…..if you act so…I will never talk with you. Umm………ok we better make a “Negotiations” on day after tomorrow by confronting and I think we will get a solution.”
She says “No… need to have it. I already thought a lot and nothing found but loving you. I love you. Just ….ok we can meet on the day but be sure If you don’t accept me…..i will leave this world forever. Even, I won’t take rice until you love me.”
I replied “Ok let the time to fix it. See you day after tomorrow”.
I cut the phone.
It’s my turn. I am so confused now. What should I do? Should I refuse her? I have published a post on asking people to help me about this. But nothing worthy I have found.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Final Exam Is Running......But Study??? It's Horrible.
My final examination is running. But it's really worst matter to me that, I can't concentrate my mind on the reading table.
My reading table is beside of the Computer Tabile. So, whenever i go to read, i naturally intend to open Computer. And when I open Computer i inherently open Facebook, Gmail and Adsense Stats :)
I know, I am being addicted on Internet and I have to leave it now.......specially whenever any kind of Examination is running. But can I stop my Internet connection? It's really seems to me a toughest thing in all over the world. Actually I can't stop the Internet connection for a single as I involves with lots of Internet related works like Searce Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Blogging etc.
So, it is seen that, there is no way to quit from blogging, from Internet marking and from the Internet.
But, sometimes, in case of some crucial time....i should have to quit from internet. And the crucial time is running. That is Final examination. But it's true.....i can't .and I am not being able to quit.
I don't know what to do, to be relief from such type of addiction. How to heal it? I know myself. I understand everything......and even I know this kind of addiction is really hampering my studious life. Study is my main work and anyhow I should have to continue it. Anyhow, I should have to keep the good reputation that i have gained. It's the responsibility of me.
But.....I don't know why I can't. It seems, there are two mind exist on my body. One is good and another is addicted. But, so far it seems, the addicted mind is quite stronger then the good one. Lol....
Now.......i would like to be a Good boy......who don't go to facebook often, who don't think about the Girl, who never thinks some absurd things.
I am sure, I will be able to be. Because, I know, I can.
My reading table is beside of the Computer Tabile. So, whenever i go to read, i naturally intend to open Computer. And when I open Computer i inherently open Facebook, Gmail and Adsense Stats :)
I know, I am being addicted on Internet and I have to leave it now.......specially whenever any kind of Examination is running. But can I stop my Internet connection? It's really seems to me a toughest thing in all over the world. Actually I can't stop the Internet connection for a single as I involves with lots of Internet related works like Searce Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Blogging etc.
So, it is seen that, there is no way to quit from blogging, from Internet marking and from the Internet.
But, sometimes, in case of some crucial time....i should have to quit from internet. And the crucial time is running. That is Final examination. But it's true.....i can't .and I am not being able to quit.
I don't know what to do, to be relief from such type of addiction. How to heal it? I know myself. I understand everything......and even I know this kind of addiction is really hampering my studious life. Study is my main work and anyhow I should have to continue it. Anyhow, I should have to keep the good reputation that i have gained. It's the responsibility of me.
But.....I don't know why I can't. It seems, there are two mind exist on my body. One is good and another is addicted. But, so far it seems, the addicted mind is quite stronger then the good one. Lol....
Now.......i would like to be a Good boy......who don't go to facebook often, who don't think about the Girl, who never thinks some absurd things.
I am sure, I will be able to be. Because, I know, I can.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Nothing Feels Me Good | Feel Like Crying……….
Since the first day of my semester final examination, I am very much depressed and anxious. It’s all about my semester wise payment. In our university the “Monthly or Semester Wise Payment” matter is not so much complicated or mandatory like other private universities.
This kind of system has created a problem towards me. Suddenly the University authority noticed that within 10th May everyone must have to pay more than 1 lac TK. But’s all in in a sudden……..and no one is out batch was prepared for that. If the authority were much rigorous like this time then we would so much conscious before, and we would pay all of the dues within the given time. But they didn't do it and they are doing this whenever we, especially me is really unprepared and when my family passing a hard time.
It might not create any problem who has came from the rich family but what would happen to the boy like me who has came from the middle-type family? It’s so tough to manage more than 1 lac TK within very shorter as my father is not a businessman. My father is a Govt. service holder and he is quite honest. And I know, by overcoming all of the limitations and by spending all of the expenses of our family it’s so tough for my father to manage a big amount within very short time.
I don’t now what would happen if I can’t pay all of the money within the deadline 10th may.
Today, I called to my mom and she also depressed about the shorter time. But like other mom of the worlds she also assures me to manage the money anyhow.
But isn’t it a pressure are being created upon my innocent guardian?
Now it feels like “why I came to this world”. Why Allah compel the middle typed family boy to face such type of examination?
Why I get myself admitted in a private university? Who said me to divert my educational stream to this fucking trend like “Textile Engineering”? Why I have to think about the saturated career in this early age?
I can’t bear anymore GOD. I feel like crying…………I don’t want to give any pain to my parents anymore. I am feeling boring and everything feels disgust to me.
However, I am very much optimistic. I love to hold hopes and I always search hopes even if there is no light of hopes. Because I know, one day, yeah a single day will come, which will make all of my dreams to come true………and Allah will make it for me.
This kind of system has created a problem towards me. Suddenly the University authority noticed that within 10th May everyone must have to pay more than 1 lac TK. But’s all in in a sudden……..and no one is out batch was prepared for that. If the authority were much rigorous like this time then we would so much conscious before, and we would pay all of the dues within the given time. But they didn't do it and they are doing this whenever we, especially me is really unprepared and when my family passing a hard time.
It might not create any problem who has came from the rich family but what would happen to the boy like me who has came from the middle-type family? It’s so tough to manage more than 1 lac TK within very shorter as my father is not a businessman. My father is a Govt. service holder and he is quite honest. And I know, by overcoming all of the limitations and by spending all of the expenses of our family it’s so tough for my father to manage a big amount within very short time.
I don’t now what would happen if I can’t pay all of the money within the deadline 10th may.
Today, I called to my mom and she also depressed about the shorter time. But like other mom of the worlds she also assures me to manage the money anyhow.
But isn’t it a pressure are being created upon my innocent guardian?
Now it feels like “why I came to this world”. Why Allah compel the middle typed family boy to face such type of examination?
Why I get myself admitted in a private university? Who said me to divert my educational stream to this fucking trend like “Textile Engineering”? Why I have to think about the saturated career in this early age?
I can’t bear anymore GOD. I feel like crying…………I don’t want to give any pain to my parents anymore. I am feeling boring and everything feels disgust to me.
However, I am very much optimistic. I love to hold hopes and I always search hopes even if there is no light of hopes. Because I know, one day, yeah a single day will come, which will make all of my dreams to come true………and Allah will make it for me.