LOVE is the thing I always love to dream. LOVE is the thing I always want to have. But this is the thing LOVE which always has been untouched to me.
Some unexpected stuffs have also been occurred however. For instance; I got some proposals from some of the girls. But this was not my love. I know my love. She is hidden on somewhere. I am still searching her. But I believe I’m gonna get her soon. Seems to me bit desperate? May be….
Shouldn’t I become desperate now to have a girl friend as I have already been passed 23rd valentine day? Should I still remain single as rests of the world are making romance?
I am well-matured now. I know what I should do now. I have the capability to choose the right one for me. I know what I want and what I need and what would be suited for me.
Just need a implementation. The dreams I am dreaming need an execution. Needs some extra energy and mental power & dare to propose the correct one. I will make a love by proposing someone whom I will love by the very first sight but with not the girl who proposed me.
I don’t mean that a girl can’t propose me and it’s not decent. I just say about my wish. I will propose whether she accept or refuse me.
Actually I am not being confronting with my dream girl. If I knew where she live …..Oh!!
It’s really irritating to say some regrets or future dreams in a blog. No one wants to hear such type of word. Everybody wants to hear the good news. Like them, I am so. I would like to let the world to hear good news. But it’s being late and causing some fucking wait.
Oh yeah! This is the blog who is my trusted and bosom friend. I will give the GOOD NEWS to him firstly
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