Monday, October 26, 2009

Is it very professional for me to post at least two posts per day?

professional blogging
It has already one month already been gone to belong with my professional blog But I am scared of my PR on the google. It sill is showing 0. What should I do now? I got the news that got high page rank from google within 1 month. I can buy my reciprocal link from the highest number of PR ranked websites. But I must have to spend more than 6 dollar to do it .where I will get it? There is nobody of the owner of high page ranked website owner. From r are standing there to exchanging link with me. However, I have been able to manage a popular website named to exchange a reciprocal link with me. They will place a link in their web directory as well. I am totally appreciated with their behavior. I wish I will be able to more textile related website to link with me. I sent my blog to the most popular web directory and maximum of them admitted me. But the most well-known and worthy site like technorati, alexa, dmoz have not yet accepted me. I am in under consideration. How long I will have to wait I don’t know. Hope within very shorter I will be got high page rank from Google will cause more visitor. And the more visitors I will have the more chance have to increase the earning.

By giving lots of time behind my I losted vitor from my other sites. I should take care of my other site like,, from now to come back all of my previous visitors. I must have to be active like the first month of blogging when I opened my first 5 blogs and I was regular there to posting and finally got lots of visitor from Google.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Should I give more time behind my site?

It is 15 more days gone. I am entering daily the internet with my new bought domain Butit is indexing in google very slowly. I don't know how to how to compel google  to crawl my site swiftly. I searched on net, found some articles, but maximum of these are useless and non-practicall. All other search engines like msn and yahoo also crawling but slowly even than google. I am really worried about it. On the other side, being busy with my texitle site i can not concentrate to my other blogs. Thats why my earning is gone down. Is there anyone who will suggest me now what should i do? How can i optimize more ?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hurrah My Domain Name is Working!!!

Domain Name is Working
It is highly great news for me that my new bought domain has started to work. I am an owner of an internet identity now!! It was my dream and it is true now!!!! Hurrahh…..!!! I will try my best to enhance my website as much as possible by quality and useful content for the textile engineering students, textile marketers, fashion designers, textile factories, dyers, weavers, printing masters, knitters, and everyone whether he/she is related on textile or not. I know I will have to work a lot to get lots of visitor but I think it’s not possible. Day by day I will be developed in SEO, I am sure. Though I am hosted in limited blogger platform but I will have the endeavor to overcome all of the limitations by applying my brilliancy and efforts. Actually there are a very few websites in the internet what have made in order to serves the important, contemporary articles to the textile related students and employers. The entire textile sites found on net is made on the purpose of business. In this point, I think there is a chance for me to get higher reputation from Google and my visitors. Hope the almighty Allah will help me to boosting up to the extreme. I am really excited with my site. I can’t but wait to edit it to make it so much professional in the view of appearance. It is very tough to get a professional template in the blogger platform. If I had enough money, I could buy a hosting so that I could install wordpress there to make my blog more SEO friendly than low efforts of today. Ok …..I want to work hard with it. Please pray for me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Can't Host My New Domain on Blogger. Oh! Shit!

Problem with Domain Hosting
Yesterday, i have bought a domain for my existing textile blog. But i couldn't redirect it. I know a domain takes 24 hours to be propagated. But how long i will have to wait? It is the time of "24 Hrs" over. Actually i am not so much familiar with domain and hosting management. This is the first time i have bought a domain. I searched lot of things about custom domain but there are a very few useful articles i have found. I am really annoyed now. I can't but wait to see my website in my new domain. Don't know, whether I will have to go physically to my domain seller day after tomorrow or not. The seller sold me the domain but not hosting. That's what i am not wanting to go there. Ok ....i am sure Allah will help me. I will be able to manage everything by myself and it will be adventuring too. It was my dream to be owned a blog with .com domain. Now i am a owner of a .com domain but harassing with it.....Huh! That is the life i am passing. I see, whatever i dream, whatever i want, it betrays with me finally. Either i don't get it, or get it with lots of problems like still i am suffering with my domain. However, i am very much optimistic like usual, and hope to see the happy end. Bless's about 4.27 A.M. Very much late night. I should go to bed now. Hmm........snoring. Lolz.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Should I Buy Domain Now?

Domain Buying from Bangladesh
It’s several months I have been passed on blogging. Lots of things I have learned, few of dollar I have earned by Google Adsense. All of the dollar I have earned by using my blogspot blog. Blogspot gives peoples a space where blogging is free. But they gives a sub-domainn like Research and SEO gurus said that, if you want to start blogging professionally and earn smartly than it is mandatory to buy a .com domain. The SEO Specialists says that, .com domain gets higher importance from Google, Yahoo, Bing and other popular search engines. It is seen that, in the first page of all major search engines .com domain gets prevalence. It seems to me now that I should buy a domain now. Rather I will host my blog on However, I tried to buy a domain from Bangladesh but none of the reputed domain selling organization are finding now. There is a fear all time remains that, they may take extra money from me during the next year re-registration. I can buy a domain from GoDaddy by the help of Hasan Vai ( A Blogger of But there is a knotty thing while I am to be paid. What should I do now? I am in Tension.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Part Time jobs are needed to me???

Job Opportunities
Yesterday i got a news from Arifur Rahman Siddique that he has appointed in Bangladesh Textile Today as Public Relation Officer. A very happy news for me. One of my friend gets job and it is really great matter for me. All are getting part timejobs and someone even getting full time jobs also. But a full time jobs are really needed to me. Whenever i feel lonely, i think about long I will be work less? The jobs i am getting either it's not Textile related or very poor salery. As a student of university of South Asia it is taking more time to accomplish a semester whereas the other university like City University, Daffodil Univerity,South East University are completing their course very rapidly. It's very anxious matter for me. After completing the graduation what will happen if I don't get a suitable job as per my expectation? I am really depressed.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Real Views of Digital Bangladesh!!

Today is the Public Medical College Admission Test has been held in the various examination centers of Dhaka, Bangladesh. I had to go to Eden Mohila College with an admission test examinee. At least 15 thousand students with same or more numbers of guardians were accumulated in the campus of Eden Mohila College. The peoples who are familiar with the front side road of this university college campus, they know the road is so much narrow. Ok now let me coming to the point. From the very morning about 8.00 am students and guardians were coming towards the examination centre by using only this road (Nilkhet to Bodrunnesa College) as there was no other way to come. All of the students had to enter the college by using no. 1 Gate. So there a crowded circumstance was created in front of 1 no. gate. But surprisingly enough, the public and private buses and cars were still running on this way! The students were not being able to across one side to other side of the road in order to enter to the college due to the bus was running. Not only the students and their guardians were suffering this problem but also the driver and the passenger of the buses were feeling problems as they had to go very slowly. Now my question is what the role of the police here? To me, police could stop this road and divert the buses and cars to another road. This will not only save the guardians and students from being pushed by the cars but also help the buses to reach their destination more quickly rather than passing this 30 second road in 30 minutes. But the police didn’t do it. They were silent and enjoying this nuisance what the general publics were suffering. Nevertheless, neither the police stopped the road, nor the buses were diverted. On the other hand what we see basically? When any Minister or Prime minister passes any road, what happen there? Whether the road is busy or not, it remains totally stopped until the VIP across the road. It means, there is the value of minister’s time and life but not the publics!! How the minister has created? Is the ministers have founded by publics votes or anything else than that? Are all of the rules and regulations of a state constituted for the convenience of the VIPs? In opposite, all of the rules and regulations of a state is avoidable for the general publics!! But how long the way is? How long we the general peoples will have to wait such the time of a country when everybody will be equal? When all of the convenience of a country will be equally distributed to the general peoples? I am eagerly waiting for such type of Bangladesh.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What, if you feel that your lover or girlfriend is fake?

One of my friends named Selim is continuing a relationship with a girl by mobile. Their relationship is very close and deep. They can’t think a day without any conversation over mobile. While they are in very deep, the boy wants to meet with the girl. Eventually agreed with him and fixed a date to meet up. But when the time is near the girl changes her desires to meet up. Surprisingly enough, it is not happening just for one day. I know, the girl fixed the meeting up date at least 3 days. She shows some tiny, fake pretends that’s easy to avoidable or manage. I don’t know the reason, for what she is pretending so? Today is another date. Lol……..last night I got a phone call from her and notified that she is not coming even tomorrow to meet with the Selim due to her aunt. Her aunt will come tomorrow to their house. There is no possibility to going out. Huh!! Now one question is raised, what type of girl she is? Are all of the girls like her? Fortunately I haven’t yet made any relationship with any girl. I don’t have any tension to meet with anybody. I don’t have any fear to lose somebody and so I am leading free life like a bird. It’s true that, I will not be able to tolerate this matter; where the girl avoids a boy and makes the boy a Hippocrates.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Last Day I have earned 3.25 USD by Google Adsense!!

earning by google adsense
This is the big amount for me at once a day of total earnings. I have never got such big amount in a day since the last 3 months I have been using Google adsense. I am highly delighted to get it. Actually I spend most of my time to update the content of the blogs with which I use Google adsense. But I am so far away from the first Google cheque to be issued. However, I don’t indulge any kind of fraud clicks or any of click exchanger or robots. What I have earned from my blogs are pure and hard worked earnings. Still I am really optimistic if I continue to update my blog regularly; within very shorter I will be earning lots of money from my blog. Already I have been started to reading several money making e-books written by famous online marketer Jhon Chow, Darren Rowse. I have even learned how to optimize a webpage or blog page. How to add the adsense code properly in the below of title which have increased my CTR so much. I thought I should share my learning about blogging, online earning by Google Adsese, Search Engine Optimization with the peoples on the net. That’s why I have opened a new blog. And, decided to write something on there. Which I have practically implemented on my blogs, I will just explore these on that blog. The blog address is SEO-Blogging-Earn Money

Hope this will help something for beginners and those who knows a little of HTML.